The WH Had No Prior Knowledge Of The Trump Raid. Anyone Buy That?
WH spokesperson Aunt Jemima stated the WH had no knowledge that the FBI was serving a search warrant on President Trump’s personal residence. It defies logic to that that was true. This event has NEVER happened in US history. Not one President has ever had his home searched by “law enforcement”, and the gravity of this act cannot be overstated. Yet, Little Miss Sambo trots out and assures the public Joey Biden was not told this was going to happen. She. Is. LYING.
Donald Trump absolutely terrifies the left. Personally, I voted against Hillary, not for Trump but I must say his policies were spot on: Build the wall, move the US embassy to Jersulem in Israel, tell NATO grifter nations to start paying more of their own defense, put America first, and an unabashed love for the United States. Contrast that with what infests the WH today: An obsession with sexual deviance, embracing the invasion of our nation by illegals, destroying our ability to produce gas and oil, and the projection of weakness like never before seen in our history. Plus, the stench of an election that was fraudulent.
Biden is minimally competent these days, so it wasn’t his idea to raid Trump, but they told him about it. Anything they can do to disqualify Trump from running again, they will do. Trump fence sitters (if they exist) better wake up and look at what the left is doing to the nation. Trump is the only Republican that will fight them.